
Sequence encoding

Before using the sequence dataset as input to machine learning classifiers, they need to be mapped onto numeric vectors. Here, compositions of k-mer frequencies were used to transform the sequences into numeric form. In particular, combination of frequencies for k-mer size 1, 2, 3 and 4 were used by which each sequence was converted to a 340-dimentional numeric vector.

SVM predictor

For prediction purpose, we used support vector machine with radial kernel. Actually the prediction was made in two stages by constructing two classifiers: (i) a binary classifier was constructed for classification of resistant and non-resistant categories, and (ii) a multiclass classifier for categorization of seven classes of resistant categories. Initially, the test sequences were predicted as resistant or non-resistant types and then, the sequences predicted as resistant types were subjected to the second phase, where they were classified into any one of the seven resistant categories of target sites. In the first stage of prediction the SVM was trained with resistant and non-resistant sequences, whereas in the second stage only the seven classes of resistant sequences were used to train the SVM prediction model.

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