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अनु शर्मा, ज्योतिका भाटी, शशि भूषण लाल, कृष्ण कुमार चतुर्वेदी, मोहम्मद समीर फ़ारूकी और अनिल राय (2018). संगणनात्मक विधियों के द्वारा अरहर में माइक्रो-आर.एन.ए. की पहचान एवं उसका विवरण, भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान पत्रिका, 33(1), 51-57.
Kumar Ranjeet Ranjan; Goswami Suneha; Singh Khushboo; Dubey Kavita; Rai Gyanendra K; Singh Bhupinder; Singh Shivdhar; Grover Monendra; Mishra Dwijesh; Kumar Sanjeev; Bakshi Suman; Rai Anil; Pathak Himanshu; Chinnusamy Viswanathan; Praveen Shelly. (2018) Characterization of Novel Heat-Responsive Transcription Factor (TaHSFA6e) Gene Involved in Regulation of Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs) - a Key Member of Heat Stress-Tolerance Network of Wheat. Journal of Biotechnology. Volume 279, Pages 1-12. 
Hukam C. Rawal, S. V. Amitha Mithra, Kirti Arora, Vishesh Kumar, Neha Goel, Dwijesh Chandra Mishra, K. K. Chaturvedi, Anil Rai, S. Vimala Devi, T. R. Sharma and Amolkumar U. Solanke (2018) . Genome-Wide Analysis in Wild and Cultivated Oryza Species Reveals Abundance of NBS Genes in Progenitors of Cultivated Rice. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. Pages 1-14,
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Arora, Vasu, Kapoor, Neera, Fatma, Samar, Jaiswal, Sarika, Iquebal, Mir Asif, Rai, Anil and Kumar, Dinesh (2018). BanSatDB: Whole genome based database of putative and experimentally validated microsatellite markers of three Musa spp. Crop Journal.
Das Samarendra, Rai Anil, Mishra D. C. & Rai. Shesh N. (2018). Statistical Approach for Selection of Biologically Informative Genes. Gene. 
Das Samarendra, Rai Anil, Mishra D. C. & Rai. Shesh N. (2018). Statistical Approach for Gene Set Analysis with Trait Specific Quantitative Trait Loci. Nature Scientific Reports. 8:2391 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-19736-w.
Jaiswal, Sarika, Antala, Tushar J., Kheni, Jashminkumar, Chopra, Meenu, Mandavia, M. K., Tomar, Rukam S., Jasrotia, Rahul Singh, Iquebal, M.A., Angadi, U.B., Rai, Anil, Kumar, Dinesh (2017) Transcriptomic signature of drought response in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) and development of web-genomic resources. Nature Scientific Reports: 
Jaiswal, Sarika, Sheoran, Sonia, Arora, Vasu, Angadi, U.B., Iquebal, M.A., Raghav, Nishu, Aneja, Bharti, Kumar Deepender, Khokar, R.S., Sharma, Pradeep, Singh, G.P., Rai, Anil, Tiwari, Ratan, Kumar, Dinesh. (2017). Putative Microsatellite DNA Marker-Based Wheat Genomic Resource for Varietal Improvement and Management. Frontiers in Plant Sciences. 
Singh Indra, Smita Shuchi, Mishra Dwijesh C., Kumar Sanjeev, Singh Binay K., Rai Anil. Abiotic Stress Responsive miRNA-Target Network and Related Markers (SSR and SNP) in Brassica juncea. Frontiers in Plant Science.
Tandon, G., Singh, S., Kaur, S., Sarika, Iquebal, M.A., Rai, A., Kumar, D. (2017). In silico identification of the genes related to biotic stresses in Solanum lycopersicum. Genomics Data.14, 82-90.
Iquebal, Mir A, Jaiswal, Sarika, Mahato, Ajay K, Jayaswal, Pawan K, Angadi, U.B., Kumar, Neeraj, Sharma, Nimisha, Singh, Anand, Srivastav, Manish, Praksh, Jai, Singh, Sanjay K, Khan, Kasim, Mishra, Rupesh K, Rajan, Shailendra, Bajpai, Anju, Sandhya, BS, Nischita, Puttaraju, Ravishankar, KV, Dinesh, MR, Rai, Anil, Kumar, Dinesh, Sharma, Tilak R., Singh, Nagendra K. (2017). MiSNPDb: a web based genomic resources of tropical ecology fruit mango (Mangifera indica L.) for phylogeography and varietal differentiation. Nature Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 14968(2017)
Rai, Anil,Choudhary, Pooja, Malhotra, Suruchi, Bharadwaj, C, Gaikwad, Kishor, Kaur, Sukhdeep, Chopra, Meenu, Tandon, Gitanjali, Jaiswal, Sarika, Iquebal, Mir A, Kumar, Dinesh, Srinivasan, Jain, Pradeep K. (2017). Transcriptomic signature of fusarium toxin in chickpea unveiling wilt pathways and marker discovery. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology , 100, 163-177.
Anil Rai,Rahul Singh Jasrotia, Mir Asif Iquebal, Pramod Kumar Yadav, Neeraj Kumar, Sarika Jaiswal, U.B. Angadi, Dinesh Kumar (2017). Development of transcriptome based web genomic resources of yellow mosaic disease in Vigna mungo. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 
Anil Rai,Iquebal, Mir A., Tomar, Rukam Singh, Parakhia, M.V., Singla, Deepak, Jaiswal, Sarika, Rathod, V.M., Padhiyar, S.M., Kumar, Neeraj, and Kumar, Dinesh. (2017) Draft whole genome sequence of groundnut stem rot fungus Athelia rolfsii revealing genetic architect of its pathogenicity and virulence. Nature Scientific Reports, Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 5299 doi:10.1038/s41598-017-05478-8 
Anil Rai,Mishra, DC, Smita, S, Singh I, Devi, MN,Kumar S, Farooqi, MS, Chaturvedi, KK ,(2017). Prediction of novel putative miRNAs and their targets in buffalo. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 87(1), 59–63.
Das, S, Meher, PK, Rai, A, Bhar LM, Mandal BN (2017) Statistical Approaches for Gene Selection, Hub Gene Identification and Module Interaction in Gene Co-Expression Network Analysis: An Application to Aluminum Stress in Soybean (Glycine max L.). PLoS ONE 12(1): e0169605. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0169605.
Biswas, A, Rai, A, Ahmad, T and Sahoo, PM (2017). Spatial Estimation and Rescaled Spatial Bootstrap Approach for Finite Population. Communications in Statistics -Theory and Methods, 46(1), 373-388.
Ray, M, Rai, A, Ramasubramanian, V and Singh KN. (2016). ARIMA-WNN hybrid model for forecasting wheat yield time series data Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 70(1), 63-70.
Sharma, Pradeep, Tiwari, Ratan, Saharan, M.S., Sharma, Indu, Kumar, Jitender, Mishra, Shefali, Muthusamy, Senthilkumar K., Gupta, R.K., Jaiswal, Sarika, Iquebal, Mir Asif, Angadi, U.B., Kumar, Neeraj, Fatma, Samar, Rai, A., Kumar, Dinesh (2016) Draft Genome Sequence of the Karnal Bunt fungus, Tilletia indica Mitra: Two monosporidial lines (PSWKBGH-1 and 2). Genome Announcement 4(5):e00928-16. doi:10.1128/genomeA.00928-16.
Kaur, Sukhdeep, Iquebal, M.A., Jaiswal, Sarika, Tandon, Gitanjali, Sundaram, R.M., Gautam, R.K., Suresh, K.P., Rai, A. and Kumar Dinesh (2016). A meta-analysis of potential candidate genes associated with salinity stress tolerance in rice. Agrigene 1, 126-134.
Shukla, Shantanu Shukla, Iquebal, MA, Jaiswal, Sarika, Angadi, UB, Fatma, Samar, Kumar, Neeraj, Jasrotia, Rahul S, Fatima, Yasmin, Rai, A., Kumar, Dinesh (2016) The Onion Genomic Resource: A Genomics and Bioinformatics driven resource for onion breeding. Plant Gene, 8: 9-15
Suneha Goswami, Ranjeet R. Kumar, Kavita Dubey, Jyoti P. Singh, Sachidanand Tiwari, Ashok Kumar, Shuchi Smita, Dwijesh C. Mishra, Sanjeev Kumar, Monendra Grover, Jasdeep C. Padaria, Yugal K. Kala, Gyanendra P. Singh, Himanshu Pathak, Viswanathan Chinnusamy, Anil Rai, Shelly Praveen and Raj D. Rai. (2016). SSH analysis of endosperm transcripts and characterization of heat stress regulated expressed sequence tags in bread wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, 1230.
Garima Vats, Monendra Grover, Avantika Singh, Nidhi Chandra, Neetesh Pandey and Rai, A. (2016) Role of palmitoylation and nitration in modification of large number of proteins associated with drought stress in plants. Agrica, 2016, 5: 59-62
Md. Samir Farooqi, Mishra D. C., Niyati Rai, DP Singh, Rai, A., Chaturvedi, K.K., Ratna Prabha and Manjeet Kaur (2016). Genome-wide relative analysis of codon usage bias and codon context pattern in the bacteria Salinibacter ruber, Chromohalobacter salexigens and Rhizobium etli. in Biochemistry and Analytical Biochemistry. 5:257. doi:10.4172/2161-1009.1000257.
M. Grover.,Pandey, N. and Rai, A. (2016) First report on Quantum Computational Logic in Biological Networks, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology and Science, 4:22-24
Ankur Biswas, Rai, A.Tauqueer Ahmad & Prachi Misra Sahoo (2016): Spatial Estimation and Rescaled Spatial Bootstrap Approach for Finite Population. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, .
Arfa Anjum, Seema Jaggi, Eldo Varghese, Shewtank Lall, Arpan Bhowmik, and Rai, A. (2016) Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes in RNA-seq Data of Arabidopsis thaliana: A Compound Distribution Approach. Journal of Computational Biology, 23(4), DOI: 10.1089/cmb.2015.0205.
Jaiswal, Sarika, Dhanda, S.K., Iquebal, M.A., Arora, Vasu, Shah, Tejas M., Angadi, U.B., Joshi, Chaitanya G., Rahgava, G.P.S., Rai, A., and Kumar, Dinesh (2016). BIS-CATTLE: A Web Server for Breed Identification using Microsatellite DNA Markers. American Journal of Bioinformatics, 
Jyotika Bhati, Pavan Chaduvula K, Rai, A., Kishore Gaikwad, Soma Marla S and Sanjeev Kumar (2016). In-Silico Prediction and Functional Analysis of Salt Stress Responsive Genes in Rice (Oryza sativa). J Rice Res., 4:1 
Singh, Binay K., Mishra, Dwijesh C., Yadav, Sushma, Ambawat, Supriya, Vaidya, Era, Tribhuvan, Kishor U., Kumar, Arun, Kumar, Sujith, Kumar, Sanjeev, Chaturvedi, K. K., Rani, Reema, Yadav, Prashant, Rai, A., Rai, P. K., Singh, V. V. and Singh, Dhiraj. (2016). Identification, characterization, validation and cross-species amplification of genic-SSRs in Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea). Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology. PP. 1-11. .
Kumar Ranjeet R, Goswami Suneha, Sharma Sushil K, Kala Yugal K, Rai Gyanendra K, Mishra Dwijesh C, Grover Monendra, Singh Gyanendra P, Pathak Himanshu, Rai, A., Chinnusamy Viswanathan , Rai Raj D (2015). Harnessing Next Generation Sequencing in Climate Change: RNA-Seq Analysis of Heat Stress-Responsive Genes in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Omics: a journal of integrative biology, DOI:10.1089/omi.2015.0097. .
Nagesh Mandadi, Christopher Hendrickson, Savithri Handanahal, Thippeswamy Rajappa, Nikhita Pai, Saleem Javeed, Abraham Verghese, Rai, A., Aneesh Pappu, Geetha Nagaraj, Amit Dhingra (2015): Genome sequences of Photorhabdus luminescens strains isolated from entomopathogenic nematodes from southern India. Genomics Data. doi: 10.1016/j.gdata.2015.07.023.
Nigam Deepti, Kadimi Puneet K, Sanjeev Kumar, Mishra Dwijesh C and Rai, A. (2015). Computational analysis of miRNA-targets Community Network reveals cross talk among different metabolism. Genomics Data. 5, 292-296. .
Pavan K Chaduvula, Jyotika Bhati, Rai, A. Kishore Gaikwad, Soma S Marla, M Elangovan, Sanjeev Kumar (2015): Insilico expressed sequence tag analysis in identification and characterization of salinity stress responcible genes in Sorghum bicolour, Australian Journal of Crop Sciences, 9(9), 799-806.
Tandon, Gitanjali, Sarika, Iquebal, M. A., Kumar, Sunil, Kaur, Sukhdeep, Rai, A. and Kumar, Dinesh. (2015). Evidence of Salicylic Acid pathway with EDS1 and PAD4 proteins by molecular dynamics simulation for Grape improvement. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 33 (10), 2180–2191. .
Das S., Pandey, P., Rai, A. and Mohapatra C. (2015). A computational system biology approach to construct gene regulatory networks for salinity response in rice (Oryza sativa). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 85 (12). .
Sahu T.K., Rao A.K., Meher, P.K., Sahoo B.C., Gupta S.,Rai, A. (2015). Computational Prediction of MHC class I epitopes for most common viral diseases in cattle (Bos Taurus). Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 52, 34-44. .
Bijay Kumar Behera, Vishwamitra Singh Baisvar, Kavita Kumari, Ajaya Kumar Rout, Sudip Pakrashi, Prasenjet Paria, A. R. Rao and
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Lal, S.B., Sharma, A., Chandra, H. and Rai, A. (2014).
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Ratna Prabha, Dhananjaya P. Singh, Shailendra K. Gupta, Rai, A. (2014).
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V. Keshri, Dhananjaya P. Singh, R. Prabha, Rai, A., A. K. Sharma (2014) . Genome subtraction for the identification of potential antimicrobial targets in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae PXO99A pathogenic to rice,
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Sandip Kumar Sadhu, Ramasubramanian V., Rai, A.
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Mrinmoy Ray, Ramasubramanian V., Amrender Kumar and Rai, A.
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Tandon Gitanjali, Sarika, Iquebal M A, Kumar Sunil, Kaur Sukhdeep,
Rai, A. and Kumar Dinesh. (2015). Evidence of Salicylic Acid pathway with EDS1 and PAD4 proteins by molecular dynamics simulation for Grape improvement.
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics.
Ankur Biswas, Rai, A., Tauqueer Ahmad and Prachi Misra Sahoo (2014): Spatial Estimation and Rescaled Spatial Bootstrap Approach for Finite Population
(Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods).
Books with ISBN
Rai, A. with others.(2010) Handloom Census of India 2009-10 Original (ISBN:81-88830-14-3) Publisher:Secretary & Head Operations, National Council of Applied Economic Research.
Rai, A. with others.(2010) India Youth Demographics & Readership Original (ISBN:978-81-237-0000-0) Publisher: Director, National Book Trust, India, Nehru Bhawan, New Delhi.
Rai, A. with others.(2007) How India Earns, Spends and Saves? Original (ISBN:81-88830-10-0) Publisher: Director, Marketing, Products & Corporate Communication (The Max New York Life Insurance Ltd.)
S.N. Jha, R.K. Vishwakarma, T. Ahmad, Rai, A.and Anil Kr. Dixit.(2015) Assessment of Quantitative Harvest and Post-Harvest Losses in Major Crops and Commodities. Publisher: ICAR-CIPHET Ludhiana
Rai, A., Prachi Mishra Sahoo, P.K. Malhotra, V.K. Bhatia (2011) Prioritization of rain fed area in the country. Publisher: Collaboration with ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi and ICAR-CRIDA Hyderabad.
Rai, A. with others.(2010) Handloom Census of India 2009-10 Original (ISBN:81-88830-14-3) Publisher:Secretary & Head Operations, National Council of Applied Economic Research.
Rai, A. with others.(2010) India Youth Demographics & Readership Original (ISBN:978-81-237-0000-0) Publisher: Director, National Book Trust, India, Nehru Bhawan, New Delhi.
Rai, A., K.K. Chaturvedi, V.K. Bhatia, V. Ramasubramanian (2009) Information and Communication Technology for Accelerated Growth in Agriculture Technical Series (Original) (IASRI/ NAIP/ V-PAGe/01/09) Publisher: ICAR-IASRI New Delhi
Nanada S.K., Rai, A. and Others 2009) Harvest and post harvest losses of major crops and livestock produce in India. Publisher: ICAR-CIPHET Ludhiana
Rai, A. with others.(2007) How India Earns, Spends and Saves? Original (ISBN:81-88830-10-0) Publisher: Director, Marketing, Products & Corporate Communication (The Max New York Life Insurance Ltd.)
Rai, A., S.D. Sharma, Prachi Mishra Sahoo, P.K. Malhotra (2007) Livelihood Status of different Agro-climatic Zones in India Technical Series (Original)(IASRI/Liv/2007) Publisher: ICAR-IASRI New Delhi
Rai, A. & others (2007 Manual of crop yield and area estimation ICAR-IASRI New Delhi
Rai, A. & others (2003) Information support for management and agriculture Publisher: ICAR-IASRI New Delhi
Rai, A. & others (2002) INARIS data dictionary software (DDM) reference manual Publisher: ICAR-IASRI New Delhi
Rai, A. with others.(2001) Requirement Analysis Document of “Integrated National Agricultural Resources Information System” Publisher: ICAR-IASRI New Delhi
Rai, A. with others.(2001) Code Book–I. of “Integrated National Agricultural Resources Information System Publisher: ICAR-IASRI New Delhi
Book Chapter:
D.C. Mishra, Sanjeev Kumar, Rai, A., Sudhir Srivastava (2013).Machine Learning Techniques and Its Application in Bioinformatics. Information and Knowledge Management: Tools, Techniques and Practices. Publisher: New India Publishing Agency.
Sharma, N, Rai, A., Chaturvedi, KK, Farooqi, MS. Bioinformatics: Future Application in Microbiology. In the Book “Emerging Trends: Applied Biotechnology” by Sharma, N, Rathore, M, (2011) Pages: 106-121. Publisher: Lambert Academic Publishing House Germany.
Rai, A.,K.K. Chaturvedi and P.K. Malhotra. Design and development of fisheries data mart. Applied Bioinformatics Statistics and Economics in Fisheries Research(2008) Eds. Ajit Kumar Roy and Niranjan Sarangi Publisher: New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi
Sahoo, P.M., Rai, A.and Ahmad, T. Remote Sensing based Methodology for Crop acreage estimation Climate Change effects on Natural Resource Management(2013) (Eds. Mohanty, M., Chaudhary, R.S. and Sinha, N.K.). Pg 80-95. Publisher: Agrotech Publishing Academy, Udaipur
Sahoo, P.M., Rai, A.,Ahmad, T. and Jaggi, S. Statistical Techniques for Spatial Data Analysis. Climate Change effects on Natural Resource Management (2013) (Eds. Mohanty, M., Chaudhary, R.S. and Sinha, N.K.). Pg. 96-112. Publisher: Agrotech Publishing Academy, Udaipur
Sanjukta, RK, Farooqi, MS, Mishra, DC, Sharma, N, Rai, A.,and Chaturvedi, KK (2014). Analysis of Synonymous codon usage pattern in Book “Agro Biodiversity Informatics” Eds. Balakrishnan, M and Soam, SK. In 2014, pp. 141-156. Publisher: Springer Publication
Iquebal, M.A., Jaiswal, Sarika, Mukhopadhyay, C.S., Sarkar, Chiranjib, Rai, A.,and Kumar, Dinesh Applications of Bioinformatics in Plant and Agriculture in Plant Omics: The Omics of Plant Science (2015) Eds. Debmalya Barh, Muhammad Sarwar Khan and Eric Davies, Pp. 755-790. Publisher: Springer Publication
Iquebal, M.A., Sarika, Rai, A.,and Kumar, Dinesh DNA signature of Agricultural Germplasm: A computational Approach. In Bioinformatics Approaches for Livestock Genome Analysis (2015) Eds. Umesh Singh et al., Pp. 279-294 Publisher: Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi (ISBN: 9789384053017)
Sarika, Iquebal, M.A., Mukhopadhayay, C.S., Koringa, P.G., Rai, A.,Joshi, C.G. and Kumar Dinesh. Genome annotation on prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In Bioinformatics Approaches for Livestock Genome Analysis (2015) Eds. Umesh Singh et al., Pp. 247-278 Publisher: Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi (ISBN: 9789384053017)